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Ghazanfar Bank


Ghazanfar Bank, a full fledged licensed commercial Bank, commenced its operations in March 2009. The Share Holders of the Bank belongs to one of the leading business groups of Afghanistan. As a leading business house Ghazanfar Group is involved in various key businesses sectors as a front runner such as import and distribution of Petroleum/Gas and other various important industrial sectors. Ghazanfar Bank started of its operation from Kabul, Afghanistan and is offering key financial services both under conventional and Islamic Banking. The Bank has since opened up its Branches at various key locations such as Mazar Sharif, Hairatan, Kunduz, Takhar, Pule- Khumri, Jalalabad, Herat besides opening another six branches at Kabul in Sarai Shahzada, Shar-e-Naw, Karte Naw, Kote Sangi, Lase Maryam and Wazir Akbar Khan. In due course of time the Bank intends to expand its Branch Network in Kabul as well as at other key locations of the Country.

The Management Team of the Bank is comprised of highly experienced and qualified Bankers, Financial Experts, Accountants and Risk Managers with considerable expertise in all aspects of Banking. With the help of such a dynamic team the Bank is in a position to offer specialized skills in a traditional way in all related spheres such as counseling and advising on any financial matter, handling of foreign exchange transactions, handling of investments in a Depository Account, Islamic Banking transactions, Lending/Corporate Banking transactions, SME Lending transactions, Money Transfer transactions, Retail Banking transactions and International Trade related transactions. 


To be known for providing the best banking services. To remain partner at the forefront of Afghanistan   s economic development

The Banking Industry in Afghanistan has been passing through a phenomenal growth in the past 10 years, undeterred by numerous constraints. With new opportunities unveiling, the country and the financial sector are poised for a great leap forward.  GHAZANFAR BANK was licensed by Da Afghanistan Bank (DAB), the Central Bank of the country, in the year 2009 to operate as a commercial bank. It has been playing a pivotal role in rebuilding the national economy and was the pioneer of Islamic Banking in the country. Today, its Islamic Banking window along with the Conventional Banking operations provide the people with a wide range of products & services, specially designed to meet their needs and aspiration.

During the FY 2017, GHAZANFAR BANK has been conferred awards in various areas of banking by the following internationally acclaimed organization/entities.

i)              Best Corporate Governance Bank award from International Finance

ii)             Best Sharia Compliant Commercial Bank from

iii)            Best Customer Service Bank from Global Business Outlook

iv)            Best of the Best in Finance from Acquisition International

GHAZANFAR BANK is a medium ranged Bank, aiming to deliver quality banking services and add value to the financial sector of the country. The key financials of the bank during the F.Y. 2017 like Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) at 45.17%; Return on Equity at 31.26%, Return on Assets at 4.69%, Delinquency Ratio at 1.63% are being considered best in the industry. GHAZANFAR BANK, in pursuance of Vision 2020, is committed to strive for excellence with a structured path of growth, enhancing business by 75% and to establish Top of the Mind recall as a bank by the end of year 2020. InVision 2020, GHAZANFAR BANK is also proposing for introduction of Hub & Spoke concept for extending its networking in substitution of brick and wall independent branches.

This Business Development Strategic Plan is an inevitable requirement for the Bank to put the business portfolio on track for the purpose of achieving the goals of the Bank. Strategic Business Development Plan inculcates the passion to achieve business objectives of the Bank till the end of year 2020; aptly termed as Vision 2020. Therefore, the plan is envisaged to comprehensively detail the opted business strategy and road map with milestones to achieve the objectives in the forthcoming years.

Vision 2020 encompasses all the key performance factors which are mandatory to achieve the desired growth path and to deliver qualitative value to all stakeholders. In presence of critical challenges, the Bank has focused to improve qualitative measures by emphasising on the following:

Customer   s interest: The Bank, being customer centric, has committed to deliver quality and cost effective products/services.The bank strives to work on customer awareness and transparency to protect his interest by developing and implementing programs such as citizen   s charter and customer protection policy.

Technological approach: The Bank has opted to invest hugely in technological sphere in order to provide a digitized platform to customers by offering internet banking, SMS banking, online purchase and transfers etc.

Human resource Management: The Bank has adopted measures for the purpose of developing and utilizing the capacity of best available talent along with a retention mechanism for keeping the human resources talent intact in order to create and deliver services with excellence.

Da Afghanistan Bank (DAB): DAB is the central bank of Afghanistan. Our entire Strategic Business Plan is in adherence to related laws and regulations of Central Bank of Afghanistan and committed to follow further regulations in days to come.

On a Year on Year basis, the Balance Sheet and Profits of the Bank have witnessed sizeable growth. There has also been a good accretion in the equity base by way of plough back of profit. Capital Adequacy Ratio, Return on Assets, Return on Equity, Credit Deposit Ratio, Broad Liquidity Ratio and Delinquency Ratio are significantly strong and among the best in the banking industry in Afghanistan. GHAZANFAR BANK has correspondent banking relationship with major banks across the world, which is a testimony to its adherence to the International Best Practices. This plan has been prepared for a 3-year period since longer term projections beyond this time frame may not be realistic in the fast changing political and economic scenario.

Vision 2020 is the Strategic Plan of the Bank aiming towards the growth and development. The plan has been initiated based on research on social and geo-political scenario and functioning of financial and banking sectors in the country, Bank has adopted this Vision 2020 document for attainment of goals & objectives with true soul and spirit. 

Get In Touch

866 Sher Pur Square, Wazir Akbar Khan Main Road , Kabul Afghanistan

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